# install packages from CRAN
packages <- c("dplyr", "fixest", "did", "didimputation","PanelMatch",
"panelView", "ggplot2", "bacondecomp", "HonestDiD",
install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())))
# install most up-to-date "fect" from Github
if ("fect" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
devtools:: install_github("xuyiqing/fect")
# install forked "HonestDiD" package compatible with "fect"
if ("HonestDiDFEct" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {
devtools:: install_github("lzy318/HonestDiDFEct")
5 New DID Methods
This chapter, authored by Ziyi Liu and Yiqing Xu, complements Chiu et al. (2025) (paper, slides). Download the R code used in this chapter here.
In recent years, researchers have proposed various heterogeneous treatment effect (HTE) robust estimators for causal panel analysis under parallel trends (PT) as alternatives to traditional two-way fixed effects (TWFE) models. Examples include those proposed by Cengiz et al. (2019), Sun and Abraham (2021), Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021), Chaisemartin and D’Haultfœuille (2020), Imai, Kim, and Wang (2023), Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2024), and Liu, Wang, and Xu (2024). These methods are closely connected to the classic difference-in-differences (DID) estimator.
This chapter will guide you through implementing these HTE-robust estimators, as well as TWFE, in R. It will also provide instructions on creating event study plots to display estimated dynamic treatment effects. In the process, we will present a recommended pipeline for analyzing panel data, covering data exploration, estimation, result visualization, and diagnostic tests.
We first illustrate these methods with two empirical examples: Hainmueller and Hangartner (2019) (without treatment reversals) and Grumbach and Sahn (2020) (with treatment reversals). Then, we demonstrate how to implement the sensitivity analysis proposed by Rambachan and Roth (2023) using the imputation estimator and data from the first example.
5.1 Install Packages
To begin, you will need to install the necessary packages from CRAN and GitHub.
Load libraries:
library(DIDmultiplegtDYN) # may require XQuartz
5.2 No Treatment Reversals
We begin with an empirical example from Hainmueller and Hangartner (2019), who investigate the effects of indirect democracy versus direct democracy on naturalization rates in Switzerland using municipality-year panel data from 1991 to 2009. The study finds that switching from direct to indirect democracy increased naturalization rates by an average of 1.22 percentage points (Model 1, Table 1).
5.2.1 Visualizing Data
First, we examine the evolution of treatment status using the panelView package. The variables bfs
and year
represent the unit and time indicators, respectively. The treatment variable is indirect
, and the outcome is nat_rate_ord
. In the baseline analysis, we exclude covariates. We set by.timing = TRUE
to sort units by the timing of treatment receipt.
panelview(nat_rate_ord ~ indirect, data = data, index = c("bfs","year"),
xlab = "Year", ylab = "Unit", display.all = T,
gridOff = TRUE, by.timing = TRUE)
The treatment status plot shows that treatment is introduced in different years across municipalities, with no treatment reversals (a staggered adoption setting). Following Sun and Abraham (2021), we define units that receive treatment in the same year as a cohort. We can then use panelView to plot the average outcomes for each cohort. Because there are many cohorts, the figure is not as informative as desired.
5.2.2 TWFE
The staggered adoption setup allows us to implement several estimators to obtain the treatment effect estimates. We will first estimate a two-way fixed-effects (TWFE) model, as the authors do in the paper: \[Y_{it} = \alpha_i + \xi_t + \delta^{TWFE}D_{it} + \epsilon\] We can implement this estimator using thefeols
function in the fixest package. The estimated coefficient using TWFE is 1.339, with a standard error of 0.187.
# remember to cluster standard errors
model.twfe.0 <- feols(nat_rate_ord~indirect|bfs+year,
data=data, cluster = "bfs")
#> OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: nat_rate_ord
#> Observations: 22,971
#> Fixed-effects: bfs: 1,209, year: 19
#> Standard-errors: Clustered (bfs)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> indirect 1.33932 0.186525 7.18039 1.2117e-12 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> RMSE: 4.09541 Adj. R2: 0.152719
#> Within R2: 0.005173
5.2.3 Goodman-Bacon Decomposition
Goodman-Bacon (2021) shows that the TWFE estimator in a staggered adoption setting can be expressed as a weighted average of all possible 2×2 DID estimates across different cohorts. However, when treatment effects vary over time across cohorts, forbidden comparisons—where post-treatment data from early adopters serve as controls for late adopters—can introduce bias into the TWFE estimator. To address this, we follow the procedure in Goodman-Bacon (2021) and decompose the TWFE estimate using the bacon
function from the bacondecomp package.
data.complete <- data[which(!is.na(data$nat_rate_ord)),] # bacon requires no missingness in the data
df_bacon <- bacon(nat_rate_ord~indirect,
data = data.complete,
id_var = "bfs",
time_var = "year")
#> type weight avg_est
#> 1 Earlier vs Later Treated 0.17605 1.97771
#> 2 Later vs Always Treated 0.31446 0.75233
#> 3 Later vs Earlier Treated 0.05170 0.32310
#> 4 Treated vs Untreated 0.45779 1.61180
ggplot(df_bacon) +
aes(x = weight, y = estimate, shape = factor(type), color = factor(type)) +
labs(x = "Weight", y = "Estimate", shape = "Type", color = 'Type') +
The decomposition of the TWFE estimator in a staggered adoption setting, as shown by Goodman-Bacon (2021), reveals that the largest contribution to the TWFE estimate comes from DIDs comparing ever-treated cohorts switching into treatment with the never-treated (purple crosses labeled “Treated vs Untreated”). The second-largest contribution comes from DIDs comparing ever-treated cohorts switching into treatment with other ever-treated cohorts still in their pretreatment periods (red dots labeled “Earlier vs Later Treated”), followed by forbidden comparisons between ever-treated cohorts and the always-treated (green triangles labeled “Later vs Always Treated”). The smallest contribution comes from “forbidden” DIDs comparing ever-treated cohorts switching into treatment with other ever-treated cohorts already treated (blue squares labeled “Later vs Earlier Treated”).
Before applying HTE-robust estimators, we first remove the always-treated units for easier comparison. Then, we create an event study plot using a dynamic specification of TWFE.
# drop always treated units
df <- as.data.frame(data %>%
group_by(bfs) %>%
mutate(treatment_mean = mean(indirect,na.rm = TRUE)))
df.use <- df[which(df$treatment_mean<1),]
# Re-estimate TWFE on this Sub-sample
model.twfe.1 <- feols(nat_rate_ord~indirect|bfs+year,
data=df.use, cluster = "bfs")
#> OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: nat_rate_ord
#> Observations: 17,594
#> Fixed-effects: bfs: 926, year: 19
#> Standard-errors: Clustered (bfs)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> indirect 1.60858 0.195296 8.23661 6.009e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> RMSE: 4.43613 Adj. R2: 0.143692
#> Within R2: 0.007415
After removing the always-treated units, the estimated treatment effect increases to 1.609, with a standard error of 0.195.
5.2.4 TWFE Event Study Plot
To create an event study plot, we first generate the cohort index and the relative time period for each observation in relation to treatment. These details are essential for various HTE-robust estimators, such as those in Sun and Abraham (2021) and Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021). We use the get.cohort
function in fect to generate these indices. To maintain consistency with canonical TWFE regressions, we set start0 = TRUE
, designating period 0 as the first post-treatment period and period -1 as the last pre-treatment period.
df.use <- get.cohort(df.use, D = "indirect", index=c("bfs","year"),
start0 = TRUE)
#> bfs year nat_rate_ord indirect FirstTreat Cohort Time_to_Treatment
#> 1 1 1991 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -15
#> 2 1 1992 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -14
#> 3 1 1993 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -13
#> 4 1 1994 3.448276 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -12
#> 5 1 1995 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -11
#> 6 1 1996 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -10
#> 7 1 1997 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -9
#> 8 1 1998 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -8
#> 9 1 1999 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -7
#> 10 1 2000 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -6
#> 11 1 2001 2.380952 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -5
#> 12 1 2002 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -4
#> 13 1 2003 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -3
#> 14 1 2004 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -2
#> 15 1 2005 0.000000 0 2006 Cohort:2006 -1
#> 16 1 2006 1.612903 1 2006 Cohort:2006 0
#> 17 1 2007 10.937500 1 2006 Cohort:2006 1
#> 18 1 2008 14.285715 1 2006 Cohort:2006 2
#> 19 1 2009 9.677419 1 2006 Cohort:2006 3
The column FirstTreat
indicates the first period when a unit receives treatment (set to NA
for never-treated units). The column Time_to_Treatment
represents the relative period to treatment onset (set to NA
for always-treated and never-treated units). The period -1
corresponds to the last pre-treatment period.
Now, we run a dynamic TWFE regression, also known as a model with “leads and lags.” This is the standard approach for estimating dynamic treatment effects in event studies. The model includes a series of interaction terms between a dummy indicating whether a unit is treated and each lead and lag indicator relative to treatment in a TWFE regression. This specification allows effects to vary over time, typically using the period immediately before treatment as the reference period. If the regression is fully saturated and there is no HTE across cohorts, the dynamic TWFE model can consistently estimate the dynamic treatment effect.
We use feols
to implement this estimator. The column Time_to_Treatment
can serve as the lead/lag indicator (we need to replace the NA
in Time_to_Treatment
with an arbitrary number). Note that the period -1
in Time_to_Treatment
corresponds to the last pre-treatment period and is the reference period.
# Dynamic TWFE
df.twfe <- df.use
# drop always treated units
df.twfe$treat <- as.numeric(df.twfe$treatment_mean>0)
df.twfe[which(is.na(df.twfe$Time_to_Treatment)),'Time_to_Treatment'] <- 0 # can be an arbitrary value
twfe.est <- feols(nat_rate_ord ~ i(Time_to_Treatment, treat, ref = -1)| bfs + year,
data = df.twfe, cluster = "bfs")
twfe.output <- as.matrix(twfe.est$coeftable)
print(round(twfe.output, 3))
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> Time_to_Treatment::-18:treat -0.321 0.633 -0.507 0.612
#> Time_to_Treatment::-17:treat -0.119 0.391 -0.303 0.762
#> Time_to_Treatment::-16:treat -0.396 0.403 -0.982 0.326
#> Time_to_Treatment::-15:treat -0.411 0.344 -1.195 0.232
#> Time_to_Treatment::-14:treat 0.245 0.369 0.662 0.508
#> Time_to_Treatment::-13:treat -0.044 0.354 -0.125 0.900
#> Time_to_Treatment::-12:treat -0.546 0.315 -1.732 0.084
#> Time_to_Treatment::-11:treat -0.293 0.347 -0.845 0.398
#> Time_to_Treatment::-10:treat -0.424 0.319 -1.328 0.185
#> Time_to_Treatment::-9:treat -0.467 0.301 -1.552 0.121
#> Time_to_Treatment::-8:treat -0.116 0.334 -0.347 0.729
#> Time_to_Treatment::-7:treat -0.724 0.306 -2.369 0.018
#> Time_to_Treatment::-6:treat -0.573 0.317 -1.807 0.071
#> Time_to_Treatment::-5:treat -0.555 0.309 -1.795 0.073
#> Time_to_Treatment::-4:treat 0.066 0.345 0.192 0.848
#> Time_to_Treatment::-3:treat -0.510 0.316 -1.611 0.108
#> Time_to_Treatment::-2:treat -0.195 0.330 -0.591 0.555
#> Time_to_Treatment::0:treat 0.523 0.360 1.453 0.146
#> Time_to_Treatment::1:treat 1.669 0.368 4.536 0.000
#> Time_to_Treatment::2:treat 1.724 0.471 3.658 0.000
#> Time_to_Treatment::3:treat 1.178 0.401 2.942 0.003
#> Time_to_Treatment::4:treat 0.756 0.479 1.580 0.114
#> Time_to_Treatment::5:treat 2.438 0.705 3.456 0.001
#> Time_to_Treatment::6:treat 2.849 0.805 3.537 0.000
#> Time_to_Treatment::7:treat 2.409 0.784 3.074 0.002
#> Time_to_Treatment::8:treat 2.270 0.798 2.846 0.005
#> Time_to_Treatment::9:treat 2.393 0.863 2.772 0.006
#> Time_to_Treatment::10:treat 2.003 0.954 2.100 0.036
#> Time_to_Treatment::11:treat 0.843 0.560 1.504 0.133
#> Time_to_Treatment::12:treat 3.832 2.300 1.666 0.096
#> Time_to_Treatment::13:treat 4.436 2.322 1.910 0.056
#> Time_to_Treatment::14:treat 4.757 3.486 1.365 0.173
#> Time_to_Treatment::15:treat 1.542 1.415 1.090 0.276
#> Time_to_Treatment::16:treat 7.169 4.844 1.480 0.139
#> Time_to_Treatment::17:treat 6.491 2.727 2.381 0.017
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "Clustered (bfs)"
fect includes a plotting function, esplot()
, to create an event study plot based on a vector of point estimates and estimated standard errors. Here, we use this function to examine dynamic effects over a 13-period pre-treatment span and a 10-period post-treatment span. The data reveals a significant treatment effect, along with a subtle pre-trend discrepancy in several periods preceding treatment. Notably, esplot()
treats period 0 as the last pre-treatment period by default, so the period index must be shifted by one.
twfe.output <- as.data.frame(twfe.output)
twfe.output$Time <- c(c(-18:-2),c(0:17))+1
p.twfe <- esplot(twfe.output,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'Estimate',
SE = 'Std. Error', xlim = c(-12,10))
By setting start0 = TRUE
, we designate period 0 as the first post-treatment period, making period -1 the last pre-treatment period. As a result, there is no need to shift the period index, as it already aligns with the conventional TWFE framework.
5.2.5 Stacked DID
Cengiz et al. (2019) examine the effect of variations in minimum wage on low-wage employment across 138 state-level minimum wage changes in the United States between 1979 and 2016, using a stacked DID approach. A similar estimator is also implemented in the Stata package STACKEDEV (Bleiberg 2021). See a simple illustration below.
The stacked DID method removes the bias caused by forbidden comparisons in the Goodman-Bacon decomposition. However, it returns a variance-weighted ATT with the implicit weights chosen by OLS instead of the ATT.
df.st <- NULL
target.cohorts <- setdiff(unique(df.use$Cohort),"Control")
k <- 1
for(cohort in target.cohorts){
df.sub <- df.use[which(df.use$Cohort%in%c(cohort,"Control")),]
df.sub$stack <- k
df.st <- rbind(df.st,df.sub)
k <- k + 1
df.st$st_unit <- as.numeric(factor(paste0(df.st$stack,'-',df.st$bfs)))
df.st$st_year <- as.numeric(factor(paste0(df.st$stack,'-',df.st$year)))
model.st <- feols(nat_rate_ord~indirect|st_unit+st_year,
data=df.st, cluster = "st_unit")
#> OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: nat_rate_ord
#> Observations: 127,186
#> Fixed-effects: st_unit: 6,694, st_year: 285
#> Standard-errors: Clustered (st_unit)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> indirect 1.66861 0.18237 9.14958 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> RMSE: 3.9095 Adj. R2: 0.130512
#> Within R2: 0.001783
We then make an event study plot using a dynamic specification.
df.st$treat <- as.numeric(df.st$treatment_mean>0)
df.st[which(is.na(df.st$Time_to_Treatment)),'Time_to_Treatment'] <- 1000
# note, this "1000" can be arbitrary value
st.est <- feols(nat_rate_ord ~
i(Time_to_Treatment, treat, ref = -1)| st_unit +
st_year,data = df.st,cluster = "st_unit")
# make plot
st.output <- as.data.frame(st.est$coeftable)
st.output$Time <- c(c(-18:-2),c(0:17))+1
p.st <- esplot(st.output,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'Estimate',
SE = 'Std. Error', xlim = c(-12,10))
The stacked DID plot closely resembles that of the TWFE model, suggesting that potential bias from forbidden comparisons is minimal.
5.2.6 Interaction Weighted
Sun and Abraham (2021) proposes an interaction-weighted (IW) estimator for estimating the ATT. the IW estimator computes a weighted average of ATT estimates for each cohort, obtained from a TWFE regression where cohort dummies are fully interacted with indicators of relative time to treatment onset. See a simple illustration below.
The IW estimator is HTE-robust and can be implemented using the sunab
function in the fixest package. The column FirstTreat
serves as the cohort indicator, with any missing values replaced by an arbitrary number. The estimated ATT using the IW estimator is 1.331, with a standard error of 0.288.
df.sa <- df.use
df.sa[which(is.na(df.sa$FirstTreat)),"FirstTreat"] <- 1000
# above, replace NA with an arbitrary number
model.sa.1 <- feols(nat_rate_ord~sunab(FirstTreat,year)|bfs+year,
data = df.sa, cluster = "bfs")
summary(model.sa.1,agg = "ATT")
#> OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: nat_rate_ord
#> Observations: 17,594
#> Fixed-effects: bfs: 926, year: 19
#> Standard-errors: Clustered (bfs)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> ATT 1.3309 0.287971 4.62163 4.3474e-06 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> RMSE: 4.34795 Adj. R2: 0.163888
#> Within R2: 0.046484
The estimation results are saved coeftable
for plotting. We can make an event study plot as before. The results are quite similar to TWFE and stacked DID.
5.2.7 CSDID
Callaway and Sant’Anna (2021) propose a doubly robust estimator, known as CSDID, which incorporates pre-treatment covariates by using either never-treated or not-yet-treated units as the comparison group. Due to lack of time-invariant covariates, we use only the outcome model (rather than the full doubly robust estimator) to estimate the ATT and dynamic treatment effects.
First, we use the never-treated units as the comparison group. The column FirstTreat
serves as the cohort indicator, with missing values replaced by 0. The estimated ATT is numerically identical to the IW estimator. Additionally, we set bstrap = FALSE
to report the analytical standard error, which is 0.302.
df.cs <- df.use
df.cs[which(is.na(df.cs$FirstTreat)),"FirstTreat"] <- 0 # replace NA with 0
cs.est.1 <- att_gt(yname = "nat_rate_ord",
gname = "FirstTreat",
idname = "bfs",
tname = "year",
xformla = ~1,
control_group = "nevertreated",
allow_unbalanced_panel = TRUE,
data = df.cs,
est_method = "reg")
cs.est.att.1 <- aggte(cs.est.1, type = "simple", na.rm=T, bstrap = F)
#> Call:
#> aggte(MP = cs.est.1, type = "simple", na.rm = T, bstrap = F)
#> Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna. "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.12.001>, <https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09015>
#> ATT Std. Error [ 95% Conf. Int.]
#> 1.3309 0.3019 0.7392 1.9226 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
#> Control Group: Never Treated, Anticipation Periods: 0
#> Estimation Method: Outcome Regression
Using the csdid package, we can use the aggte
function to aggregate cohort-period average treatment effects. We set bstrap = FALSE
to report analytical standard errors and cband = FALSE
to display period-wise confidence intervals, allowing for easy comparison with other estimators. While aggte
can compute uniform confidence bands by setting both cband
and bstrap
, we opt to report period-wise intervals in this case.
cs.att.1 <- aggte(cs.est.1, type = "dynamic",
bstrap=FALSE, cband=FALSE, na.rm=T)
#> Call:
#> aggte(MP = cs.est.1, type = "dynamic", na.rm = T, bstrap = FALSE,
#> cband = FALSE)
#> Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna. "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.12.001>, <https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09015>
#> Overall summary of ATT's based on event-study/dynamic aggregation:
#> ATT Std. Error [ 95% Conf. Int.]
#> 1.2205 0.6314 -0.0171 2.458
#> Dynamic Effects:
#> Event time Estimate Std. Error [95% Pointwise Conf. Band]
#> -17 0.1350 0.6467 -1.1324 1.4025
#> -16 -0.0839 0.3583 -0.7861 0.6183
#> -15 0.1467 0.3964 -0.6303 0.9236
#> -14 0.7509 0.3219 0.1200 1.3818 *
#> -13 -0.2318 0.3392 -0.8967 0.4331
#> -12 -0.5851 0.2814 -1.1367 -0.0335 *
#> -11 0.2656 0.2705 -0.2647 0.7958
#> -10 -0.2386 0.2805 -0.7883 0.3111
#> -9 0.0576 0.2702 -0.4721 0.5872
#> -8 0.5244 0.3165 -0.0959 1.1448
#> -7 -0.6282 0.3132 -1.2420 -0.0144 *
#> -6 0.1081 0.2565 -0.3946 0.6108
#> -5 0.1623 0.2890 -0.4041 0.7287
#> -4 0.6485 0.3380 -0.0139 1.3109
#> -3 -0.6161 0.3674 -1.3362 0.1040
#> -2 0.1505 0.3355 -0.5071 0.8081
#> -1 0.0279 0.3425 -0.6435 0.6992
#> 0 0.7141 0.3754 -0.0217 1.4500
#> 1 1.5846 0.3681 0.8632 2.3060 *
#> 2 1.6337 0.5118 0.6306 2.6369 *
#> 3 0.9090 0.4396 0.0473 1.7707 *
#> 4 0.4091 0.5725 -0.7130 1.5311
#> 5 2.1106 0.7976 0.5473 3.6739 *
#> 6 2.4842 0.9078 0.7051 4.2634 *
#> 7 2.3802 0.8538 0.7068 4.0535 *
#> 8 2.5602 0.8723 0.8506 4.2699 *
#> 9 2.0100 0.9769 0.0953 3.9246 *
#> 10 1.6391 1.0257 -0.3712 3.6494
#> 11 0.0298 0.6100 -1.1658 1.2253
#> 12 0.6942 2.8043 -4.8021 6.1904
#> 13 1.1355 2.3284 -3.4281 5.6991
#> 14 1.3625 3.4131 -5.3270 8.0519
#> 15 -2.0699 1.7160 -5.4331 1.2933
#> 16 2.2743 3.6182 -4.8172 9.3658
#> 17 0.1072 4.5338 -8.7789 8.9934
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
#> Control Group: Never Treated, Anticipation Periods: 0
#> Estimation Method: Outcome Regression
The estimated dynamic treatment effects in the post-treatment period are numerically identical to those from the IW estimator. However, pre-treatment estimates may differ because csdid defaults to using the preceding period as the reference point in pre-treatment periods.
cs.output <- cbind.data.frame(Estimate = cs.att.1$att.egt,
SE = cs.att.1$se.egt,
time = cs.att.1$egt + 1)
p.cs.1 <- esplot(cs.output,Period = 'time',Estimate = 'Estimate',
SE = 'SE', xlim = c(-12,10))
We prefer to set base_period = "universal"
, which designates the last pre-treatment period as the reference period. This produces results that closely align with the IW estimator.
cs.est.1.u <- att_gt(yname = "nat_rate_ord",
gname = "FirstTreat",
idname = "bfs",
tname = "year",
xformla = ~1,
control_group = "nevertreated",
allow_unbalanced_panel = TRUE,
data = df.cs,
est_method = "reg",
base_period = "universal")
cs.att.1.u <- aggte(cs.est.1.u, type = "dynamic",
bstrap=FALSE, cband=FALSE, na.rm=T)
cs.output.u <- cbind.data.frame(Estimate = cs.att.1.u$att.egt,
SE = cs.att.1.u$se.egt,
time = cs.att.1.u$egt + 1)
p.cs.1.u <- esplot(cs.output.u,Period = 'time',Estimate = 'Estimate',
SE = 'SE', xlim = c(-12,10))
One advantage of CSDID is the ability to use not-yet-treated units as the comparison group by setting control_group = "notyettreated"
. See a simple illustration below.
The choice of the comparison group depends on the specific version of the parallel trends assumption that researchers aim to justify. The estimated ATT is 1.292, with a standard error of 0.308.
cs.est.2 <- att_gt(yname = "nat_rate_ord",
gname = "FirstTreat",
idname = "bfs",
tname = "year",
xformla = ~1,
control_group = "notyettreated",
allow_unbalanced_panel = TRUE,
data = df.cs,
est_method = "reg")
cs.est.att.2 <- aggte(cs.est.2, type = "simple",na.rm=T, bstrap = F)
#> Call:
#> aggte(MP = cs.est.2, type = "simple", na.rm = T, bstrap = F)
#> Reference: Callaway, Brantly and Pedro H.C. Sant'Anna. "Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods." Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 200-230, 2021. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2020.12.001>, <https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09015>
#> ATT Std. Error [ 95% Conf. Int.]
#> 1.2923 0.308 0.6886 1.896 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0
#> Control Group: Not Yet Treated, Anticipation Periods: 0
#> Estimation Method: Outcome Regression
We can calculate the dynamic treatment effects using the same method, and then use esplot
to make the event study plot. Note that we set the reference period to be the last pre-treatment period.
cs.est.2.u <- att_gt(yname = "nat_rate_ord", gname = "FirstTreat",
idname = "bfs", tname = "year", xformla = ~1,
control_group = "notyettreated",
allow_unbalanced_panel = TRUE,
data = df.cs, est_method = "reg",
base_period = "universal")
cs.att.2.u <- aggte(cs.est.1.u, type = "dynamic",
bstrap=FALSE, cband=FALSE, na.rm=T)
# plot
cs.output.u <- cbind.data.frame(Estimate = cs.att.2.u$att.egt,
SE = cs.att.2.u$se.egt,
time = cs.att.2.u$egt + 1)
p.cs.2.u <- esplot(cs.output.u,Period = 'time',Estimate = 'Estimate',
SE = 'SE', xlim = c(-12,10))
5.2.8 DIDm
De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2020) and De Chaisemartin and d’Haultfoeuille (2024) introduce a method for multi-group, multi-period designs that accommodate a potentially non-binary treatment, which can change (increase or decrease) multiple times. For details, see Chaisemartin et al. (2024). Here, we demonstrate only the basic usage for a binary, staggered treatment.
When calling did_multiplegt_dyn
, specify the outcome, treatment, unit index (group
), and time index (time
). The effects
option determines how many event-study coefficients to estimate. For each period \(l\), the event-study effect represents the average change in the outcome for all switchers after receiving the treatment for \(l\) periods, compared to remaining at their initial treatment level. The placebo
option specifies how many placebo coefficients to compute. For each placebo period \(k\), the command compares the outcome evolution of switchers and their controls \(k\) periods before the switchers’ first treatment change.
See a simple illustration below with \(l = 2\) (number of lags, capturing post-treatment effects) and \(k = 2\) (number of leads, capturing pre-treatment placebo effects).
In the following example, we set \(l = 12\) and \(k = 9\).
didm.results <- did_multiplegt_dyn(
df = df.use,
outcome = "nat_rate_ord",
group = "bfs",
controls = NULL,
time = "year",
treatment = "indirect",
effects = 12,
placebo = 9,
cluster = "bfs",
graph_off = TRUE
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Estimation of treatment effects: Event-study effects
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Estimate SE LB CI UB CI N Switchers
#> Effect_1 0.57568 0.38326 -0.17550 1.32686 11,978 514
#> Effect_2 1.53469 0.37166 0.80626 2.26313 11,000 425
#> Effect_3 1.58178 0.51351 0.57533 2.58823 10,051 357
#> Effect_4 0.88318 0.43757 0.02555 1.74081 9,183 352
#> Effect_5 0.36472 0.56355 -0.73981 1.46925 8,114 164
#> Effect_6 2.10445 0.79225 0.55167 3.65724 7,225 143
#> Effect_7 2.60910 0.87922 0.88586 4.33234 6,336 116
#> Effect_8 2.48694 0.81815 0.88340 4.09048 5,500 97
#> Effect_9 2.58597 0.86840 0.88394 4.28801 4,674 80
#> Effect_10 2.10762 0.99419 0.15904 4.05620 4,030 63
#> Effect_11 1.53529 0.98735 -0.39989 3.47046 3,385 50
#> Effect_12 0.07510 0.54641 -0.99585 1.14605 2,813 46
#> Test of joint nullity of the effects : p-value = 0.0003
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Average cumulative (total) effect per treatment unit
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Estimate SE LB CI UB CI N Switchers
#> 1.30795 0.30296 0.71416 1.90174 16,616 2,407
#> Average number of time periods over which a treatment effect is accumulated: 3.9722
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Testing the parallel trends and no anticipation assumptions
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Estimate SE LB CI UB CI N Switchers
#> Placebo_1 -0.09058 0.33955 -0.75610 0.57493 11,052 512
#> Placebo_2 -0.13816 0.35653 -0.83693 0.56062 9,159 419
#> Placebo_3 0.75490 0.44430 -0.11592 1.62571 7,295 346
#> Placebo_4 -0.15443 0.39019 -0.91918 0.61032 6,427 341
#> Placebo_5 -1.20890 0.41806 -2.02828 -0.38952 5,393 153
#> Placebo_6 -0.93342 0.50462 -1.92246 0.05561 4,543 132
#> Placebo_7 -1.32200 0.68078 -2.65631 0.01231 2,888 70
#> Placebo_8 0.04786 0.63937 -1.20529 1.30100 1,529 47
#> Placebo_9 0.82479 1.00818 -1.15120 2.80078 429 17
#> Test of joint nullity of the placebos : p-value = 0.0225
#> The development of this package was funded by the European Union.
Again, we make an event study plot using esplot
T.post <- dim(didm.results$results$Effects)[1]
T.pre <- dim(didm.results$results$Placebos)[1]
didm.vis <- rbind(didm.results$results$Placebos,didm.results$results$Effects)
didm.vis <- as.data.frame(didm.vis)
didm.vis[,'Time'] <- c(c(-1:-(T.pre)),c(1:T.post))
est.dynamic <- didm.vis[,c(9,1,2,3,4)]
colnames(est.dynamic) <- c("T","estimate","se","lb","ub")
p.didm <- esplot(est.dynamic,Period = 'T',Estimate = 'estimate',
SE = 'se', xlim = c(-12, 9))
5.2.9 PanelMatch
Imai, Kim, and Wang (2023) propose a matching method, similar in spirit to DIDm, for panel data analysis. It allows researchers to match each treated observation for a given unit in a particular period with untreated observations from other units in the same period that have similar treatment, outcome, or covariate histories. Their package is called PanelMatch.
The PanelMatch
function in PanelMatch creates matched sets. The option lag = 3
specifies that pre-treatment history should span three periods, while lead = c(0:3)
sets the lead window to include four post-treatment periods. Note that the terms lead and lag here are opposite to their traditional usage in a dynamic TWFE specification, where lags correspond to post-treatment effects and leads correspond to pre-treatment placebo effects.
To assign equal weights to all control units in each matched set, we set refinement.method = "none"
(without matching on controls). Notably, by matching on treatment history and defining the lead window, PanelMatch
uses only the subset of treated units with three pre-treatment periods and four post-treatment periods to compute the average treatment effects.
The PanelMatch estimator is equivalent to the DIDmulitple estimator proposed by Chaisemartin and D’Haultfœuille (2020) if we only match on the last pre-treatment period and only estimate the treatment effect at the first post-treatment period.
df.pm <- df.use
# we need to convert the unit and time indicator to integer
df.pm[,"bfs"] <- as.integer(as.factor(df.pm[,"bfs"]))
df.pm[,"year"] <- as.integer(as.factor(df.pm[,"year"]))
df.pm <- df.pm[,c("bfs","year","nat_rate_ord","indirect")]
PM.results <- PanelMatch(lag=3,
unit.id = "bfs",
treatment = 'indirect',
refinement.method = "none",
data = df.pm,
qoi = "att",
lead = c(0:3),
outcome.var = 'nat_rate_ord',
match.missing = TRUE)
## For pre-treatment dynamic effects
PM.results.placebo <- PanelMatch(lag=3,
unit.id = "bfs",
treatment = 'indirect',
refinement.method = "none",
data = df.pm,
qoi = "att",
lead = c(0:3),
outcome.var = 'nat_rate_ord',
match.missing = TRUE,
placebo.test = TRUE)
We can estimate the ATT and dynamic treatment effects using the function PanelEstimate
. To obtain the ATT, we set the option pooled = TRUE
. The standard error is calculated using a block bootstrapping method.
PE.results.pool <- PanelEstimate(PM.results, data = df.pm, pooled = TRUE)
#> Matches created with 3 lags
#> Standard errors computed with 1000 Weighted bootstrap samples
#> Estimate of Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) by Period:
#> $summary
#> estimate std.error 2.5% 97.5%
#> [1,] 1.177674 0.3692971 0.4723574 1.879437
#> $lag
#> [1] 3
#> $iterations
#> [1] 1000
#> $qoi
#> [1] "att"
We can also use the function PanelEstimate
to estimate the dynamic treatment effects at post-treatment periods. Additionally, for pre-treatment periods, PanelMatch offers the function placebo_test
to compute the change in outcomes for each pre-treatment period in the lag window compared to the last pre-treatment period.
# Dynamic Treatment Effects
PE.results <- PanelEstimate(PM.results, data = df.pm)
PE.results.placebo <- placebo_test(PM.results.placebo, data = df.pm, plot = F)
# obtain lead and lag (placebo) estimates
est_lead <- as.vector(PE.results$estimates)
est_lag <- as.vector(PE.results.placebo$estimates)
sd_lead <- apply(PE.results$bootstrapped.estimates,2,sd)
sd_lag <- apply(PE.results.placebo$bootstrapped.estimates,2,sd)
coef <- c(est_lag, 0, est_lead)
sd <- c(sd_lag, 0, sd_lead)
pm.output <- cbind.data.frame(ATT=coef, se=sd, t=c(-2:4))
# plot
p.pm <- esplot(data = pm.output,Period = 't',
Estimate = 'ATT',SE = 'se')
5.2.10 Imputation Method
Now, we return to the imputation method, which fect is originally designed to implement. See a simple illustration below. For details, see Chapter 2.
For a fair comparison, we implement this estimator—the fixed effects counterfactual (fect) estimator—based on a TWFE model. The estimated ATT is 1.506, with a standard error of 0.197.
The fect
function stores the estimated dynamic treatment effects obtained using the counterfactual method in the object est.att
. Uncertainty estimates are derived through a nonparametric clustered bootstrap/jackknife procedure.
fect.output <- as.matrix(out.fect$est.att)
#> ATT S.E. CI.lower CI.upper p.value count
#> -17 -0.01985591 0.5241054 -1.04708353 1.0073717 0.96977911 89
#> -16 0.07269638 0.2589072 -0.43475237 0.5801451 0.77887790 157
#> -15 -0.21365489 0.2685762 -0.74005459 0.3127448 0.42631727 162
#> -14 -0.13153052 0.1518381 -0.42912782 0.1660668 0.38635048 350
#> -13 0.46902947 0.2103439 0.05676304 0.8812959 0.02575924 371
#> -12 0.24357664 0.1745491 -0.09853337 0.5856867 0.16287663 398
Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2024) also provide the didimputation package to estimate the ATT using the same approach as Liu, Wang, and Xu (2024).
df.impute <- df.use
df.impute[which(is.na(df.impute$FirstTreat)),"FirstTreat"] <- 0
# above, replace NA with 0
out.impute <- did_imputation(data = df.impute,
yname = "nat_rate_ord",
gname = "FirstTreat",
tname = "year",
idname = "bfs",
cluster_var = "bfs")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#> lhs term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 nat_rate_ord treat 1.51 0.187 1.14 1.87
We can use esplot()
to create the event study plot as before. Additionally, the fect package offers more advanced visualization tools specifically designed for imputation estimators (see the previous chapters and the next chapter).
fect.output <- as.data.frame(fect.output)
fect.output$Time <- c(-17:18)
p.fect <- esplot(fect.output,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'ATT',
SE = 'S.E.',CI.lower = "CI.lower",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper',xlim = c(-12,10))
The didimputation package also supports event study estimation, producing numerically equivalent estimates for dynamic treatment effects in the post-treatment period. However, didimputation
uses a distinct TWFE regression applied only to untreated observations to obtain pre-treatment estimates and test for parallel trends. In this case, we specify pretrends = c(-13:-1)
to compute regression coefficients for pre-treatment periods ranging from -13 to -1.
model.impute <- did_imputation(data = df.impute,
yname = "nat_rate_ord",
gname = "FirstTreat",
tname = "year",
idname = "bfs",
cluster_var = "bfs",
pretrends = c(-13:-1),
horizon = TRUE)
model.impute$term <- as.numeric(model.impute$term)+1
# above, set 1 as the first post-treatment period
# plot
to_plot <- as.data.frame(model.impute)
esplot(data=to_plot,Period = "term",
Estimate = 'estimate', SE = 'std.error',
xlim = c(-12,10))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#> lhs term estimate std.error conf.low conf.high
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 nat_rate_ord treat 1.51 0.187 1.14 1.87
To compare the results with those obtained using the PanelMatch method, fect provides the option to compute the ATT for the subset of units with three pre-treatment periods and four post-treatment periods. This can be done by setting balance.period = c(-2,4)
, which includes periods -2, -1, and 0 for pre-treatment and 1, 2, 3, and 4 for post-treatment.
out.fect.balance <- fect(nat_rate_ord~indirect, data = df,
index = c("bfs","year"),
method = 'fe', se = TRUE,
balance.period = c(-2,4))
# att
#> ATT.avg S.E. CI.lower CI.upper p.value
#> [1,] 1.711554 0.2088126 1.302289 2.120819 2.220446e-16
# event study plot
fect.balance.output <- as.data.frame(out.fect.balance$est.balance.att)
fect.balance.output$Time <- c(-2:4)
p.fect.balance <- esplot(fect.balance.output,Period = 'Time',
Estimate = 'ATT', SE = 'S.E.',
CI.lower = "CI.lower",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper')
We will come back to this empirical example when we implement the sensitivity analysis in Chapter 5.4.
5.3 With Treatment Reversals
We use data from Grumbach and Sahn (2020) to demonstrate methods that can accommodate treatment reversals, where treatment can switch on and off. These methods include TWFE, PanelMatch, and the imputation estimator.
In the original paper, the authors use district by election-cycle panel data from U.S. House general elections between 1980 and 2012, arguing that the presence of Asian (Black/Latino) candidates in general elections increases the proportion of campaign contributions from Asian (Black/Latino) donors. Here, we focus specifically on the effects of Asian candidates, as shown in the top left panel of Figure 5 in the paper.
data <- gs2020
data$cycle <- as.integer(as.numeric(data$cycle/2))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 9
#> cycle district_final general_sharetotal_A_all general_sharetotal_B_all
#> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 991 AK1 0 0
#> 2 992 AK1 0 0.0506
#> 3 993 AK1 0.0362 0.0723
#> 4 994 AK1 0.0157 0.0104
#> 5 995 AK1 0 0.0188
#> 6 996 AK1 0.00651 0.0332
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: general_sharetotal_H_all <dbl>, cand_A_all <dbl>,
#> # cand_B_all <dbl>, cand_H_all <dbl>, dfe <dbl>
5.3.1 Visualizing Data
In our analysis, district_final
and cycle
serve as the unit and time indices, respectively. The treatment variable, cand_A_all
, indicates the presence of an Asian candidate, while the outcome variable, general_sharetotal_A_all
, represents the proportion of donations from Asian donors. The covariates included are cand_H_all
, indicating a Hispanic candidate, and cand_B_all
, indicating a Black candidate.
As usual, we use the panelView package to examine treatment conditions and missing values in the data. We set by.timing = TRUE
to organize units by treatment timing. Below, we can see that this dataset has missing values in the outcome variable, and the treatment may switch on and off.
y <- "general_sharetotal_A_all"
d <- "cand_A_all"
unit <- "district_final"
time <- "cycle"
controls <- c("cand_H_all", "cand_B_all")
index <- c("district_final", "cycle")
panelview(Y=y, D=d, X=controls, index = index, data = data,
xlab = "Time Period", ylab = "Unit", gridOff = TRUE,
by.timing = TRUE, cex.legend=5, cex.axis= 5,
cex.main = 10, cex.lab = 5)
5.3.2 TWFE
First, we estimate the effect of an Asian candidate on the proportion of Asian donations using the TWFE estimator. The estimated coefficient is 0.128, with a standard error of 0.025, clustered at the district level.
model.twfe <- feols(general_sharetotal_A_all ~ cand_A_all +
cand_H_all + cand_B_all | district_final + cycle,
data=data, cluster = "district_final")
#> OLS estimation, Dep. Var.: general_sharetotal_A_all
#> Observations: 6,847
#> Fixed-effects: district_final: 489, cycle: 17
#> Standard-errors: Clustered (district_final)
#> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> cand_A_all 0.128098 0.025007 5.12256 4.3480e-07 ***
#> cand_H_all 0.012181 0.005274 2.30980 2.1316e-02 *
#> cand_B_all 0.010456 0.004594 2.27615 2.3269e-02 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> RMSE: 0.049535 Adj. R2: 0.275898
#> Within R2: 0.083964
To estimate dynamic treatment effects using TWFE, we first use the get.cohort
function to determine the relative period to treatment. Next, we generate the treated unit indicator treat
using the following steps:
- Set
treat = 0
for observations of units that have never been treated.
- For treated units, if the treatment switches on and off, assign
treat = 1
only for observations before the last treatment exit. For example, if a unit’s treatment status sequence is0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0
, we settreat = 1
only for the first five observations. This approach assumes no carryover effects, meaning treatment affects only the current period.
- Finally, we interact the dummy variable
with the relative period index in a two-way fixed effects regression to estimate dynamic treatment effects.
data_cohort <- get.cohort(data, index = index, D=d,start0 = TRUE)
# Generate a dummy variable treat
data_cohort$treat <- 0
data_cohort[which(data_cohort$Cohort!='Control'),'treat'] <- 1
data_cohort[which(is.na(data_cohort$Time_to_Treatment)), "treat"] <- 0
# remove observations that starts with treated status
remove <- intersect(which(is.na(data_cohort$Time_to_Treatment)),
if(length(remove)>0){data_cohort <- data_cohort[-remove,]}
# replace missingness in Time_to_Treatment with an arbitrary number
data_cohort[which(is.na(data_cohort$Time_to_Treatment)), "Time_to_Treatment"] <- 999
twfe.est <- feols(general_sharetotal_A_all ~
i(Time_to_Treatment, treat, ref = -1) +
cand_H_all +cand_B_all | district_final + cycle,
data = data_cohort, cluster = "district_final")
We then visualize the estimated dynamic treatment.
5.3.3 PanelMatch
PanelMatch can handle treatment reversals but uses only a subset of the data based on the specified numbers of leads and lags. DIDmultiple, proposed by Chaisemartin and D’Haultfœuille (2020), can also accommodate treatment reversals. However, its current implementation in R, DIDmultiplegtDYN, focuses only on the first switch from the control condition to the treatment condition for each unit. Therefore, we use PanelMatch to illustrate how matching methods work in this more general setting.
In this case, we use a subset of treated units with four pre-treatment periods and one post-treatment period to estimate the average treatment effects.
df.pm <- data_cohort
# we need to convert the unit and time indicator to integer
df.pm[,"district_final"] <- as.integer(as.factor(df.pm[,"district_final"]))
df.pm[,"cycle"] <- as.integer(as.factor(df.pm[,"cycle"]))
df.pm <- df.pm[,c("district_final","cycle","cand_A_all",
PM.results <- PanelMatch(lag=4,
unit.id = "district_final",
treatment = "cand_A_all",
refinement.method = "none",
data = df.pm,
qoi = "att",
lead = 0,
outcome.var = "general_sharetotal_A_all",
match.missing = TRUE)
## For pre-treatment dynamic effects
PM.results.placebo <- PanelMatch(lag=4,
unit.id = "district_final",
treatment = "cand_A_all",
refinement.method = "none",
data = df.pm,
qoi = "att",
lead = 0,
outcome.var = "general_sharetotal_A_all",
match.missing = TRUE,
placebo.test = TRUE)
The ATT estimate is 0.124, with a standard error of 0.023.
PE.results.pool <- PanelEstimate(PM.results, data = df.pm, pooled = TRUE)
#> Matches created with 4 lags
#> Standard errors computed with 1000 Weighted bootstrap samples
#> Estimate of Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) by Period:
#> estimate std.error 2.5% 97.5%
#> [1,] 0.124243 0.02233661 0.08159789 0.1687185
We obtain the dynamic treatment effects using the same approach as demonstrated in the case of Hainmueller and Hangartner (2019) with the esplot
# Dynamic Treatment Effects
PE.results <- PanelEstimate(PM.results, data = df.pm)
PE.results.placebo <- placebo_test(PM.results.placebo, data = df.pm,
plot = FALSE)
est_lead <- as.vector(PE.results$estimates)
est_lag <- as.vector(PE.results.placebo$estimates)
sd_lead <- apply(PE.results$bootstrapped.estimates,2,sd)
sd_lag <- apply(PE.results.placebo$bootstrapped.estimates,2,sd)
coef <- c(est_lag, 0, est_lead)
sd <- c(sd_lag, 0, sd_lead)
pm.output <- cbind.data.frame(ATT=coef, se=sd, t=c(-3:1))
# plot
p.pm <- esplot(data = pm.output,Period = 't',
Estimate = 'ATT',SE = 'se')
5.3.4 Imputation Method
Now we return to the imputation method proposed by Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2024) and Liu, Wang, and Xu (2024). The estimated ATT is 0.127, with a standard error of 0.025. Both are very close to the TWFE estimates.
model.fect <- fect(Y = "general_sharetotal_A_all", D = "cand_A_all",
X= c("cand_H_all", "cand_B_all"), data = data,
method = "fe", index = index, se = TRUE,
parallel = TRUE, seed = 1234, force = "two-way")
#> ATT.avg S.E. CI.lower CI.upper p.value
#> [1,] 0.1277491 0.02469477 0.07934829 0.17615 2.302096e-07
We visualize the estimated dynamic treatment for the counterfactual estimator in the same way.
fect.output <- as.data.frame(model.fect$est.att)
fect.output$Time <- c(-15:10)
p.fect <- esplot(fect.output,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'ATT',
SE = 'S.E.',CI.lower = "CI.lower",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper', xlim = c(-15,1))
The plot function shipped with fect can make the event study plot easily with a bar plot in the bottom indicating the number of treated units for each period.
We can visualize the period-wise ATT relative to the exit of the treatment by setting type = "exit"
plot(model.fect, type = 'exit')
As discussed in Chapter 2, fect provides various diagnostic tests, including the \(F\) test, placebo test, equivalence tests, and test for no-carryover effects. The figure below presents the results of a placebo test, where we set placebo.period = c(-2, 0)
, specifying that the placebo periods include the three periods preceding treatment onset.
out.fect.p <- fect(Y = y, X = controls, D = d, data = data, index = index,
method = 'fe', se = TRUE, placeboTest = TRUE,
placebo.period = c(-2,0))
plot(out.fect.p, proportion = 0.1, stats = "placebo.p")
We then test for carryover effects by setting carryoverTest = TRUE
and carryover.period = c(1,2)
, which removes observations from periods after treatment has ended from the data used to fit the model. The test then assesses whether the estimated ATT in this range is significantly different from zero.
out.fect.c <- fect(Y = y, X = controls, D = d, data = data, index = index,
method = 'fe', se = TRUE, carryoverTest = TRUE, carryover.period = c(1,2))
# plot
plot(out.fect.c, stats = "carryover.p", ylim = c(-0.15, 0.20))
To compare with the estimates from PanelMatch, we can construct a balanced sample by setting balance.period = c(-3,1))
, ensuring that both methods use the same set of treated observations. The ATT estimate is similar but slightly larger than that obtained using the full sample.
out.fect.balance <- fect(Y = y, X = controls, D = d, data = data,
index = index, method = 'fe', se = TRUE,
balance.period = c(-3,1))
# att
#> ATT.avg S.E. CI.lower CI.upper p.value
#> [1,] 0.1399293 0.02486836 0.09118817 0.1886703 1.835842e-08
# event study plot
fect.balance.output <- as.data.frame(out.fect.balance$est.balance.att)
fect.balance.output$Time <- c(-3:1)
p.fect.balance <- esplot(fect.balance.output,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'ATT',
SE = 'S.E.',CI.lower = "CI.lower",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper')
5.4 Sensitivity Analysis
Rambachan and Roth (2023) propose a partial identification approach that relaxes the PT assumption in the post-treatment period, allowing for violations that do not exceed the magnitude of those observed in the pre-treatment period. This framework enables sensitivity analysis of estimates from fect or similar methods by using pre-treatment deviations from PT as a benchmark for potential post-treatment deviations.
The key intuition is that if an event study shows strong and significant effects after treatment, along with only minor deviations from PT before treatment, then any post-treatment deviation large enough to overturn these findings must be substantially greater than the pre-treatment deviations. This approach assesses the robustness of the estimated dynamic treatment effects to possible PT violations, using pretrend estimates as a reference.
In the following, we revisit the Hainmueller and Hangartner (2019) data and demonstrate how to conduct this sensitivity analysis using estimates from fect. We examine two types of restrictions introduced by Rambachan and Roth (2023): the relative magnitude (RM) restriction and smoothness restrictions. These restrictions link pre-treatment PT violations to potential violations involving post-treatment counterfactuals.
5.4.1 Implement with Placebo Tests
To implement this method with the imputation estimator, we use estimated dynamic treatment effects from pre-treatment placebo tests to assess PT violations and determine whether post-treatment effects remain significant under similar violations. This requires constructing dynamic treatment effects symmetrically across pre- and post-treatment periods. As noted by (Roth 2024), some estimators (e.g., CSDID without base_period = "universal"
) may introduce asymmetry.
Below, we demonstrate how to obtain symmetrical estimates using fect by designating placebo periods. These periods are excluded during model fitting, and counterfactuals are imputed for both placebo and post-treatment intervals to compute dynamic treatment effects. This ensures that coefficients for placebo and post-treatment periods are estimated symmetrically.
By setting placeboTest = TRUE
and placebo.period = c(-2, 0)
, we designate three pre-treatment periods as placebo periods. Their dynamic treatment effects serve as a benchmark for PT violations in the post-treatment phase. Below, we fit fect with these placebo settings and extracts both placebo and post-treatment dynamic treatment effects, along with the variance-covariance matrix.
out.fect.placebo <- fect(nat_rate_ord~indirect, data = hh2019,
index = c("bfs","year"),
method = 'fe', se = TRUE,
placeboTest = TRUE, placebo.period = c(-2,0))
T.post <- 10 # 3 placebo periods, 10 post treatment periods
index.use <- which(rownames(out.fect.placebo$est.att) %in%
beta.hat.p<- out.fect.placebo$est.att[index.use,1]
vcov.hat.p <- out.fect.placebo$att.vcov[index.use,index.use]
count <- out.fect.placebo$count[which(rownames(out.fect.placebo$est.att) %in%
5.4.2 RM Restriction
We first examine the Relative Magnitude (RM) restriction featured in the HonestDiD package. Let \(\delta\) represent possible PT violations in the placebo and post-treatment intervals. Unlike a standard event study, which would assume \(\delta_t=0\) for \(\forall t>0\), the RM restriction imposes:
\[ \Delta^{RM}(\bar{M}) = \left\{ \delta : \forall t \geq 0, \; |\delta_{t+1} - \delta_t| \leq \bar{M} \cdot \max\bigl(|\delta_{-1} - \delta_{-2}|, |\delta_0 - \delta_{-1}|, |\delta_0|\bigr) \right\}. \]
This condition allows post-treatment PT deviations as long as they do not exceed \(\bar{M}\) times the largest deviation between consecutive periods (or from the reference) in the placebo phase.
Because HonestDiD was originally designed for event study estimators with a single reference period (\(\hat{\delta}_{0} = 0\) for the last pre-treatment period \(t=0\)), \(\max(|\delta_{-1} - \delta_{-2}|, |0 - \delta_{-1}|)\) typically represents the largest consecutive difference in pre-treatment periods. However, when using fect’s placebo specification, there is no single reference period. As a result, \(\max(|\delta_{-1} - \delta_{-2}|, |\delta_0 - \delta_{-1}|, |\delta_0|)\) no longer strictly captures consecutive differences.
To simplify interpretation, we slightly modify HonestDiD by removing the \(\|\delta_{0}\|\) term, leading to: \[ \Delta^{RM}(\bar{M}) = \left\{ \delta : \forall t \geq 0, \; |\delta_{t+1} - \delta_t| \leq \bar{M} \cdot \max\bigl(|\delta_{-1} - \delta_{-2}|, |\delta_0 - \delta_{-1}|\bigr) \right\}. \]
In this revised version, the right-hand side directly corresponds to the largest consecutive difference in the placebo intervals. We implement this in our forked version of HonestDiD. It can be install by:
All other features in HonestDiD remain unchanged. The example below uses createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudes
from HonestDiD_FEct (the forked version) to compute robust confidence intervals for the ATT under the RM restriction.
Robust Confidence Set for the ATT
We begin by constructing a robust confidence set for the ATT, which accounts for additional uncertainty due to potential PT violations. Using betahat
, we specify the estimated dynamic treatment effect coefficients for the placebo and post-treatment periods, while sigma
provides the variance-covariance matrix. The arguments numPrePeriods
and numPostPeriods
define the number of pre- and post-treatment periods, and l_vec
determines how post-treatment dynamic treatment effects are weighted. For the ATT, we weight each post-treatment period by the number of treated observations, i.e., count/sum(count)
We vary \(\bar{M}\) from 0.2 to 0.8 using Mbarvec = seq(0.2, 0.8, by = 0.2)
. Larger values of \(\bar{M}\) permit greater deviations from PT in the post-treatment window. We then use createSensitivityPlot_relativeMagnitudes
to visualize the robust confidence set for the ATT across different \(\bar{M}\) values, illustrating how post-treatment results may change under increasing PT violations.
In this example, when \(\bar{M} = 0.6\), the lower bound remains above zero, whereas at \(\bar{M} = 0.8\), the interval includes zero. Thus, if one assumes PT deviations are at most 0.6 times those observed in the placebo phase, the null hypothesis of no treatment effect can be rejected.
honest.result.p <- HonestDiDFEct::createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudes(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = count/sum(count),
Mbarvec = seq(0.2,0.8,by=0.2))
originalResults.p <- HonestDiDFEct::constructOriginalCS(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = count/sum(count))
HonestDiDFEct::createSensitivityPlot_relativeMagnitudes(honest.result.p, originalResults.p)
Period-by-Period Robust Confidence Set
By modifying l_vec
, one can also generate robust confidence sets for the ATT in each post-treatment period. In the following snippet, we set \(\bar{M} = 0.5\) and compute period-specific robust confidence intervals. In the final plot, these intervals (shown in pink) represent the robust confidence sets when allowing PT violations to reach up to half of the maximum deviation observed in the placebo interval.
dte_base <- rep(0,T.post)
dte_output <- cbind.data.frame(lb = c(),
ub = c(),
method = c(),
Delta = c(),
Mbar = c(),
post = c())
for(t.post in c(1:T.post)){
dte_l <- dte_base
dte_l[t.post] <- 1
honest.dte <- HonestDiDFEct::createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudes(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = dte_l,
Mbarvec = c(0,0.5))
honest.dte <- as.data.frame(honest.dte)
honest.dte$post <- t.post
dte_output <- rbind(dte_output,honest.dte)
Now we make the plot.
# event study plot
fect.output.p <- as.data.frame(out.fect.placebo$est.att)
fect.output.p$Time <- as.numeric(rownames(fect.output.p))
p.placebo.honest <- esplot(fect.output.p,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'ATT',
SE = 'S.E.',CI.lower = "CI.lower",
main = "ATTs with Robust Confidence Sets (RM)",
ylab = "Coefficients and 95% CI",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper',
xlim = c(-12,10), ylim = c(-6,8),
Count = 'count', show.count = T)
dte_output <- as.data.frame(dte_output)
# add confidence sets
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = dte_output[which(dte_output$Mbar==0.5),],
color = 'maroon1',linewidth = 1)
# estimates assuming no PT violation
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = dte_output[which(dte_output$Mbar==0),],
color = 'black',linewidth = 1)
# placebo estimates
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = fect.output.p[which(fect.output.p$Time%in%c(-2:0)),],
color = 'blue',linewidth = 1)
5.4.3 Smoothness Restriction
A second approach to characterizing PT violations is the smoothness restriction, which ensures that the post-treatment PT deviation does not diverge too sharply from a linear extrapolation of the pre-trend. The smoothness restriction is most appropriate when researchers are concerned about linear or gradually steepening time trends.
Specifically, it requires that the slope of \(\delta\) changes by at most \(M\) between consecutive periods. Formally, \(\delta \in \Delta^{SD}(M)\) if
\Delta^{SD}(M) := \bigl\{\, \delta : \bigl|\bigl(\delta_{t+1}-\delta_{t}\bigr) - \bigl(\delta_{t}-\delta_{t-1}\bigr)\bigr| \leqslant M,\ \forall t \bigr\}.
\] The parameter \(M \geqslant 0\) controls how much the slope of \(\delta\) can vary between consecutive periods. Below, we demonstrate how to use createSensitivityResults
from the HonestDiD (or HonestDiD_FEct) package, setting Mvec
to specify different values of \(M\).
honest.result.p <- HonestDiD::createSensitivityResults(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = count/sum(count),
Mvec = seq(0,0.25,0.05))
#> Warning in seq_len(length.out - 2L) * (del/n1): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
#> Use c() or as.vector() instead.
#> Warning in seq_len(length.out - 2L) * (del/n1): Recycling array of length 1 in vector-array arithmetic is deprecated.
#> Use c() or as.vector() instead.
originalResults.p <- HonestDiD::constructOriginalCS(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = count/sum(count))
HonestDiD::createSensitivityPlot(honest.result.p, originalResults.p)
Note that setting \(M=0\) under the smoothness restriction does not imply no PT violations; rather, it assumes a strictly linear violation trend. Consequently, its confidence interval differs from that of the original (unmodified) PT assumption. In our illustration, once \(M\) exceeds approximately 0.1, the post-treatment effect is no longer statistically distinguishable from zero.
Period-by-Period Robust Confidence Set
Finally, we replicate the earlier procedure to compute period-specific robust confidence sets under the smoothness restriction. The black lines represent the original confidence intervals, the orange lines correspond to the intervals under \(M=0\) (a PT violation with a linear trend), and the pink lines indicate the intervals under \(M=0.1\) (a PT violation allowing the slope to deviate from linear by up to 0.1).
dte_base <- rep(0,T.post)
dte_output <- cbind.data.frame(lb = c(),
ub = c(),
method = c(),
Delta = c(),
Mbar = c(),
post = c())
for(t.post in c(1:T.post)){
dte_l <- dte_base
dte_l[t.post] <- 1
honest.dte <- HonestDiDFEct::createSensitivityResults(betahat = beta.hat.p,
sigma = vcov.hat.p,
numPrePeriods = 3,
numPostPeriods = T.post,
l_vec = dte_l,
Mvec = c(0,0.1))
honest.dte <- as.data.frame(honest.dte)
honest.dte$post <- t.post
dte_output <- rbind(dte_output,honest.dte)
Now we make the plot.
# prepare for plotting
fect.output.p <- as.data.frame(out.fect.placebo$est.att)
fect.output.p$Time <- as.numeric(rownames(fect.output.p))
p.placebo.honest <- esplot(fect.output.p,Period = 'Time',Estimate = 'ATT',
SE = 'S.E.',CI.lower = "CI.lower",
main = "ATTs with Robust Confidence Sets (Smoothness)",
ylab = "Coefficients and 95% CI",
CI.upper = 'CI.upper',xlim = c(-12,10),
ylim = c(-6,12),Count = 'count',show.count = T)
dte_output <- as.data.frame(dte_output)
# estimates assuming potential a PT violation w/ a linear trend + deviation
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = dte_output[which(dte_output$M==0.1),],
color = 'maroon1',linewidth = 1)
# estimates assuming a PT violation w/ a linear trend
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = dte_output[which(dte_output$M==0),],
color = 'orange',linewidth = 1)
# estimates assuming no PT violation
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = fect.output.p[which(fect.output.p$Time>0),],
color = 'black',linewidth = 1)
# placebo estimates
p.placebo.honest <- p.placebo.honest +
data = fect.output.p[which(fect.output.p$Time%in%c(-2:0)),],
color = 'blue',linewidth = 1) + xlim(-12.5,10.5)
#> Scale for x is already present.
#> Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).
5.5 How to Cite
Please cite the authors of the original papers for their innovations. If you find this tutorial helpful, you can cite Chiu et al. (2025).