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This page demonstrates the usage of the hbal package, which implements hierarchically regularized entropy balancing introduced by Xu and Yang (2022). hbal automatically expands the covariate space to include higher order terms and uses cross-validation to select variable penalties for the balancing conditions, and then seeks approximate balance on the expanded covariate space.

hbal provides two main functions:

  • hbal(): performs hierarchically regularized entropy balancing.

  • att(): calculates the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) from an hbal object returned by hbal().

And two S3 methods:

  • summary(): summarizes the balancing results.

  • plot(): visualizes covariate balance before and after weighting or the distribution of balancing weights.

R code used in this tutorial can be downloaded from here.

Basic Usage

We simulate a toy cross-sectional dataset with a binary treatment to illustrate the basic usage of hbal. Note that treatment assignment depends on all three covariates.

N <- 1500
X1 <- rnorm(N)
X2 <- rnorm(N)
X3 <- rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = .5)
D_star <- 0.5 * X1 + 0.3 * X2 + 0.2 * X1 * X2 - 0.5 * X1 * X3 - 1
D <- ifelse(D_star > rnorm(N), 1, 0) # Treatment indicator
y <- 0.5 * D + X1 + X2 + X2 * X3 + rnorm(N) # Outcome
dat <- data.frame(D = D, X1 = X1, X2 = X2, X3 = X3, Y = y)
#>   D         X1          X2 X3          Y
#> 1 0  0.4092032  1.37178450  0  0.6358481
#> 2 1 -0.3230250  0.62887225  0  1.5377304
#> 3 0  0.6358523  1.49692496  1  1.5998765
#> 4 0 -1.8461288  0.19218026  1 -1.8232558
#> 5 0  0.9536474  0.16077270  0  3.2611010
#> 6 0  1.1884898 -0.07989461  1  1.0611114

hbal is an extension of entropy balancing, or ebal proposed by Hainmueller (2012). By default, hbal replicates ebal by performing exact balancing on all covariates and no serial expansion, i.e., = 1 (default). We can demonstrate this equivalence by showing the hbal weights are exactly the same to the ebal weights from the ebal package in this case.

ebal.out <- ebalance(Treat = dat$D, X = dat[,c('X1', 'X2', 'X3')]) # ebal
#> Converged within tolerance
hbal.out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y',  data = dat) # hbal

# plot weights
W <- data.frame(x = ebal.out$w, y = hbal.out$
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y), data = W) + geom_point() + theme_bw() + 
  labs(x = "ebal weights", y="hbal weights", title = "ebal weights vs. hbal weights")

hbal() returns a list of 15 objects:

#>  [1] "converged"     "weights"       ""    "coefs"        
#>  [5] "Treatment"     "mat"           "grouping"      "group.penalty"
#>  [9] "term.penalty"  ""       "base.weights"  "Treat"        
#> [13] "Outcome"       "Y"             "call"
  1. converged: Binary indicator of whether the algorithm has converged.
  2. weights: Resulting weights, including the base weights for the treated and solution weights for the controls (see below).
  3. Solution weights for the controls. Can be plugged into any downstream estimator.
  4. coefs: Values of Lagrangian multipliers. They are used to calculate the solution weights.
  5. Treatment: The treatment status vector.
  6. mat: Data matrix, including the outcome variable (the first column), the treatment variable (the second column), and expanded covariates (the remaining columns).
  7. grouping: A vector of the number of variables in each covariate group. The length of the vector equals the number of groups.
  8. group.penalty: Penalties for different groups of covariates. This is the regularization parameter \(\alpha\) in Xu and Yang (2022).
  9. term.penalty: Penalties for individual covariates. The length of the vector equals the number of balancing terms, including expanded ones.
  10. bal.tal: A balance table.
  11. base.weights: A vector of base weights, originally from variable w supplied by users. The length of the vector equals the number of rows entering the balancing scheme.
  12. Treat: A character string that stores the treatment variable name.
  13. Outcome: The outcome vector, if Y is supplied.
  14. Y: A character string that stores the outcome variable name, if Y is supplied..
  15. call: A string of the function call.

The summary() function provides additional information on the balancing scheme, including the numbers of treated and control units, groups and corresponding penalties, and a balance table, in which Std.Diff.(O) and Std.Diff.(W) represent standardized difference before and after balancing, respectively. For example, in this case, only the linear terms are being balanced on.

#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y")
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>        #Terms Penalty
#> linear      3       0
#>  Balance Table
#>    Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1    0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46            0
#> X2    0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49            0
#> X3    0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02            0

In addition to balancing on just the linear/level terms of the covariates, hbal() allows balancing on a serial expansion of the covariates. This is achieved by setting the argument. Currently, hbal() supports both second order serial expansion (two-way interactions and square terms; = 2) and third order serial expansion (two-way interactions, square terms, linear*square interactions, and cubic terms; = 3). For example, we can do exact balancing on third order serial expansion of the covariates:

out <- hbal(Y = 'Y', Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  
            data = dat, = 3)
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#> = 3)
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              3       0
#> two-way             3       0
#> squared             2       0
#> three-way           1       0
#> squared*linear      4       0
#> cubic               2       0
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46            0
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49            0
#> X3          0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02            0
#> X1.X2       0.24   -0.10      0.24         0.32            0
#> X1.X3       0.07   -0.02      0.07         0.12            0
#> X2.X3       0.21   -0.01      0.21         0.33            0
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.01         0.00            0
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      0.99         0.00            0
#> X1.X2.X3    0.13    0.00      0.13         0.18            0
#> X1.X1.X2    0.32   -0.01      0.32         0.18            0
#> X1.X2.X2    0.32   -0.17      0.32         0.29            0
#> X1.X1.X3    0.55    0.52      0.55         0.03            0
#> X2.X2.X3    0.50    0.47      0.50         0.02            0
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      0.93         0.30            0
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      1.16         0.40            0

Obtaining the ATT

We can use att() on a hbal object to directly get an ATT estimate. Note that att() uses linear regression with robust standard errors (lm_robust() from the estimatr package) to calculate the ATT. att() allows users to use one of the following three methods to estimate the ATT:

  • difference in weighted means by setting dr = FASLE, in which dr represents doubly robust; as a result, method is ignored;

  • weighted linear regression by setting method = ""lm_robust" (default);

  • weighted linear regression with a full set of interactions between the treatment indicator and demeaned covariates, or Lin’s method, by setting method = ""lm_lin".

By default, att() only displays treatment effect(displayAll = FALSE). Additional arguments accepted by lm_robust() or lm_lin(), such as se_type and clusters, can be passed to att(), for example:

att(out, dr = FALSE)
#>    Estimate Std. Error  t value    Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.4762995  0.1598373 2.979902 0.002929846 0.1627709 0.7898281 1498
#>    Estimate Std. Error t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.4760107  0.0723624 6.57815 6.585301e-11 0.3340672 0.6179543 1483
att(out, method = "lm_lin", se_type = "stata")
#>    Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.4760117 0.07174978 6.634329 4.571141e-11 0.3352686 0.6167547 1468

Setting displayAll = TRUE reveals the coefficients of the intercept and covariates.

att(out, displayAll = TRUE)
#>                 Estimate Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|)    CI Lower
#> (Intercept) -0.017925289 0.08071202 -0.2220895 8.242748e-01 -0.17624715
#> D            0.476010719 0.07236240  6.5781503 6.585301e-11  0.33406718
#> X1.1         1.076177748 0.08570502 12.5567645 1.926101e-34  0.90806179
#> X2.2         0.980125850 0.08413119 11.6499706 4.481064e-30  0.81509707
#> X3.3         0.089263107 0.10341474  0.8631566 3.881910e-01 -0.11359161
#> X1.X2.4      0.034941778 0.07166458  0.4875739 6.259238e-01 -0.10563295
#> X1.X3.5      0.022640656 0.09878060  0.2292014 8.187440e-01 -0.17112391
#> X2.X3.6      0.977725257 0.09160442 10.6733410 1.128674e-25  0.79803723
#> X1.X1.7      0.031742608 0.06485248  0.4894586 6.245894e-01 -0.09546974
#> X2.X2.8     -0.027041722 0.05013758 -0.5393503 5.897261e-01 -0.12538985
#> X1.X2.X3.9   0.005037062 0.08429199  0.0597573 9.523570e-01 -0.16030716
#> X1.X1.X2.10  0.021959776 0.02717454  0.8081011 4.191620e-01 -0.03134485
#> X1.X2.X2.11 -0.028702480 0.03235373 -0.8871459 3.751442e-01 -0.09216642
#> X1.X1.X3.12 -0.072661510 0.07055546 -1.0298496 3.032486e-01 -0.21106063
#> X2.X2.X3.13  0.040315487 0.06078776  0.6632172 5.072945e-01 -0.07892365
#> X1.X1.X1.14 -0.014453206 0.01519561 -0.9511436 3.416864e-01 -0.04426038
#> X2.X2.X2.15  0.015701662 0.02432758  0.6454263 5.187508e-01 -0.03201847
#>               CI Upper   DF
#> (Intercept) 0.14039657 1483
#> D           0.61795426 1483
#> X1.1        1.24429371 1483
#> X2.2        1.14515463 1483
#> X3.3        0.29211782 1483
#> X1.X2.4     0.17551650 1483
#> X1.X3.5     0.21640522 1483
#> X2.X3.6     1.15741328 1483
#> X1.X1.7     0.15895496 1483
#> X2.X2.8     0.07130640 1483
#> X1.X2.X3.9  0.17038128 1483
#> X1.X1.X2.10 0.07526440 1483
#> X1.X2.X2.11 0.03476146 1483
#> X1.X1.X3.12 0.06573760 1483
#> X2.X2.X3.13 0.15955462 1483
#> X1.X1.X1.14 0.01535397 1483
#> X2.X2.X2.15 0.06342180 1483

Furthermore, hbal() allows variable penalties on the balancing conditions for different groups of covariates. Penalties are automatically determined using cross-validation. This minimizes the variance of the weights, increases the feasibility of the balancing problem, and is the approach advocated in Xu and Yang (2022). We can do so by setting cv = TRUE. Note that, by default, hbal() only penalizes higher-order terms and seeks to achieve exact balance on linear terms.

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y', 
            data = dat, = 3, cv = TRUE)
#> Crossvalidation...
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#> = 3, cv = TRUE)
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              3     0.0
#> two-way             3     2.0
#> squared             2     0.0
#> three-way           1    21.2
#> squared*linear      4     6.3
#> cubic               2     0.0
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46         0.00
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.41         0.49         0.00
#> X3          0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02         0.00
#> X1.X2       0.24   -0.10      0.08         0.32         0.15
#> X1.X3       0.07   -0.02      0.23         0.12        -0.22
#> X2.X3       0.21   -0.01      0.24         0.33        -0.04
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.01         0.00         0.00
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      0.99         0.00         0.00
#> X1.X2.X3    0.13    0.00      0.12         0.18         0.00
#> X1.X1.X2    0.32   -0.01      0.45         0.18        -0.07
#> X1.X2.X2    0.32   -0.17      0.24         0.29         0.05
#> X1.X1.X3    0.55    0.52      0.56         0.03        -0.01
#> X2.X2.X3    0.50    0.47      0.51         0.02        -0.01
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      0.93         0.30         0.00
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      1.16         0.40         0.00
#>    Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.4829908 0.07347752 6.573313 6.796656e-11 0.3388598 0.6271217 1483

Visualizing Results

hbal has a build-in plot() method that allows us to visualize covariate balance before and after balancing.


From the above plots, we can see that the linear terms of the covariates are exactly balanced between the treatment and the control groups. We can check the group penalties or penalties applied to each covariate. In this case, the higher-order terms all have relatively high penalties except for two-way interactions, in accordance with the true data generating process.

round(out$group.penalty, 2)
#>         linear        two-way        squared      three-way squared*linear 
#>           0.00           1.98           0.00          21.21           6.34 
#>          cubic 
#>           0.00
round(out$term.penalty, 2)
#>        X1.1        X2.2        X3.3     X1.X2.4     X1.X3.5     X2.X3.6 
#>        0.00        0.00        0.00        1.98        1.98        1.98 
#>     X1.X1.7     X2.X2.8  X1.X2.X3.9 X1.X1.X2.10 X1.X2.X2.11 X1.X1.X3.12 
#>        0.00        0.00       21.21        6.34        6.34        6.34 
#> X2.X2.X3.13 X1.X1.X1.14 X2.X2.X2.15 
#>        6.34        0.00        0.00

We can also plot the weight distribution for the control units by specifying type = 'weight' in plot(). We can see that the weights are quite concentrated around the unit weight.

plot(out, type='weight')
#> sum(weights) normalized to the number of treated units

Additional Options

Controlling Exact/Approximate Balancing

Users can manually control which group of covariates to be exactly balanced and which group to be approximately balanced (via regularization) by using the group.exact argument. It takes in a binary vector with length equal to the number of covariate groups, with 1 indicating exact balance on that group and 0 indicating approximate balance. Appropriate penalties are then searched through cross-validation. When using this option, please make that the length of vector supplied equals the number of groups.

For example, we can ask hbal() to achieve exact balance on the linear terms and two-way interactions and approximate balance for the rest:

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2'),  Y = 'Y', data = dat, 
   = 3, cv = TRUE, group.exact = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
#> Crossvalidation...
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2"), Y = "Y", = 3, 
#>     cv = TRUE, group.exact = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              2     0.0
#> two-way             1     0.0
#> squared             2     0.0
#> squared*linear      2     0.1
#> cubic               2    98.8
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46         0.00
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49         0.00
#> X1.X2       0.24   -0.10      0.24         0.32         0.00
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.01         0.00         0.00
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      0.99         0.00         0.00
#> X1.X1.X2    0.32   -0.01      0.38         0.18        -0.03
#> X1.X2.X2    0.32   -0.17      0.34         0.29        -0.01
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      1.04         0.30        -0.03
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      0.96         0.40         0.06

User-Supplied Penalties

If researchers have prior knowledge about covariates and would like to supply specific penalties for each group of covariates, we can do so by passing a vector of penalties to the group.alpha argument. For example, we can manually set penalties to be 0 for the the linear terms and two-way interactions and 100 for other groups:

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y', data = dat, 
   = 3, group.alpha = c(0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100))
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#> = 3, group.alpha = c(0, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100))
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              3       0
#> two-way             3       0
#> squared             2     100
#> three-way           1     100
#> squared*linear      4     100
#> cubic               2     100
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46         0.00
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49         0.00
#> X3          0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02         0.00
#> X1.X2       0.24   -0.10      0.24         0.32         0.00
#> X1.X3       0.07   -0.02      0.07         0.12         0.00
#> X2.X3       0.21   -0.01      0.21         0.33         0.00
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.18         0.00        -0.12
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      1.06         0.00        -0.06
#> X1.X2.X3    0.13    0.00      0.14         0.18        -0.02
#> X1.X1.X2    0.32   -0.01      0.52         0.18        -0.11
#> X1.X2.X2    0.32   -0.17      0.37         0.29        -0.03
#> X1.X1.X3    0.55    0.52      0.58         0.03        -0.03
#> X2.X2.X3    0.50    0.47      0.55         0.02        -0.06
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      1.06         0.30        -0.03
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      1.03         0.40         0.04

Controlling Serial Expansion

Sometimes we may not want to perform serial expansion on all covariates but instead expand on a select set of covariates, we can do so by using the X.expand argument to specify the covariates we want to expand on. For example, we can expand only on X1:

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y', data = dat, 
   = 3, X.expand = c('X1', 'X2'))
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#>     X.expand = c("X1", "X2"), = 3)
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              3       0
#> two-way             1       0
#> squared             2       0
#> squared*linear      2       0
#> cubic               2       0
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46            0
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49            0
#> X3          0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02            0
#> X1.X2       0.24   -0.10      0.24         0.32            0
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.01         0.00            0
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      0.99         0.00            0
#> X1.X1.X2    0.32   -0.01      0.32         0.18            0
#> X1.X2.X2    0.32   -0.17      0.32         0.29            0
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      0.93         0.30            0
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      1.16         0.40            0

Selecting Covariates

Performing serial expansion on many covariates can result in a prohibitive number of covariates that need to be balanced on. In such cases, users many want to reduce the number of covariates by using the double selection method by Belloni, Chernozhukov, and Hansen (2014). This screens the expanded covariates and only keeps those that are predictive for the treatment assignment or the outcome. Users can enable double selection by setting ds = TRUE. In the following case, almost all the higher-order terms except X1*X2 and X2*X3 are screened out by the double selection procedure.

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y', data = dat, 
   = 3, ds = TRUE) 
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#> = 3, ds = TRUE)
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>         #Terms Penalty
#> linear       2       0
#> two-way      2       0
#>  Balance Table
#>       Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1       0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46            0
#> X2       0.42   -0.07      0.41         0.49            0
#> X1.X2    0.24   -0.10      0.24         0.32            0
#> X2.X3    0.21   -0.01      0.21         0.33            0
#>    Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.4789838 0.07206011 6.647004 4.180629e-11 0.3376341 0.6203335 1494

Keeping/Excluding Covariates

If there are covariates that users would like to keep in the balancing conditions regardless of whether they are selected in double selection, we can use the X.keep argument to specify the covariates to keep. On the other hand, if a priori we know some combinations of the covariates are nonsensical, we can exclude them explicitly by using the exclude argument. For example, we can exclude any interaction that involves X1 and X2:

out <- hbal(Treat = 'D', X = c('X1', 'X2', 'X3'),  Y = 'Y', data = dat, 
   = 3, exclude = list(c('X1', 'X2')))
summary(out) # X1.X2 and X1.X1.X2 removed from balancing scheme
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = dat, Treat = "D", X = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), Y = "Y", 
#> = 3, exclude = list(c("X1", "X2")))
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      256     1244 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 4.86 
#>  Groups
#>                #Terms Penalty
#> linear              3       0
#> two-way             2       0
#> squared             2       0
#> squared*linear      2       0
#> cubic               2       0
#>  Balance Table
#>          Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> X1          0.35   -0.11      0.35         0.46            0
#> X2          0.42   -0.07      0.42         0.49            0
#> X3          0.52    0.51      0.52         0.02            0
#> X1.X3       0.07   -0.02      0.07         0.12            0
#> X2.X3       0.21   -0.01      0.21         0.33            0
#> X1.X1       1.01    1.01      1.01         0.00            0
#> X2.X2       0.99    0.99      0.99         0.00            0
#> X1.X1.X3    0.55    0.52      0.55         0.03            0
#> X2.X2.X3    0.50    0.47      0.50         0.02            0
#> X1.X1.X1    0.93   -0.25      0.93         0.30            0
#> X2.X2.X2    1.16   -0.23      1.16         0.40            0
#>   Estimate Std. Error  t value    Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower  CI Upper   DF
#> D 0.485784 0.07169999 6.775232 1.78421e-11 0.3451402 0.6264279 1487

Example 1: Lalonde Data

To show the use of habl in practice, here we use habl on a dataset that contains the subset of the LaLonde (1986) dataset from Dehejia and Wahba (1999) and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID-1), which is also shipped with hbal.

#>   nsw age educ black hisp married re74 re75 re78 u74 u75 u78 nodegr
#> 1   0  47   12     0    0       0    0    0    0   1   1   1      0
#> 2   0  50   12     1    0       1    0    0    0   1   1   1      0
#> 3   0  44   12     0    0       0    0    0    0   1   1   1      0
#> 4   0  28   12     1    0       1    0    0    0   1   1   1      0
#> 5   0  54   12     0    0       1    0    0    0   1   1   1      0
#> 6   0  55   12     0    1       1    0    0    0   1   1   1      0

First, we adjust for the linear terms only:

xvars <- c("age","black","educ","hisp","married","re74","re75","nodegr","u74","u75") # covariates
# hbal w/ level terms only
hbal.out <- hbal(Treat = 'nsw', X = xvars,  Y = 're78', data = lalonde) 
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = lalonde, Treat = "nsw", X = xvars, Y = "re78")
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      185     2490 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 13.46 
#>  Groups
#>        #Terms Penalty
#> linear     10       0
#>  Balance Table
#>       Tr.Mean  Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> age     25.82    34.85     25.82        -0.86            0
#> black   10.35    12.12     10.35        -0.58            0
#> educ     0.84     0.25      0.84         1.30            0
#> hisp     0.06     0.03      0.06         0.15            0
#> marri    0.19     0.87      0.19        -1.76            0
#> re74  2095.57 19428.75   2100.16        -1.26            0
#> re75  1532.06 19063.34   1536.82        -1.26            0
#> nodeg    0.71     0.09      0.71         1.85            0
#> u74      0.60     0.10      0.60         1.46            0
#> age0     0.71     0.31      0.71         0.85            0
#>     Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper   DF
#> nsw 2423.165   719.4805 3.367937 0.0007680966 1012.368 3833.962 2663

Adding higher-order terms makes the treatment effect estimate closer to the experimental benchmark (~$1800). As a result of cross-validation, no penalty is imposed on the linear and squared terms. Note that exclude=list(c("educ", "nodegr")) removes the nonsensical interaction between educ and nodegr.

hbal.full.out <- hbal(Treat = 'nsw', X = xvars, Y = 're78', data = lalonde, 
             = 2, cv = TRUE, exclude=list(c("educ", "nodegr")))
#> Crossvalidation...
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = lalonde, Treat = "nsw", X = xvars, Y = "re78", = 2, 
#>     cv = TRUE, exclude = list(c("educ", "nodegr")))
#>  Treated Controls 
#>      185     2490 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 13.46 
#>  Groups
#>         #Terms Penalty
#> linear      10       0
#> squared      4       0
#> two-way     42     100
#>  Balance Table
#>                 Tr.Mean      Co.Mean   W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> age               25.82        34.85       25.82        -0.86         0.00
#> black             10.35        12.12       10.35        -0.58         0.00
#> educ               0.84         0.25        0.84         1.30         0.00
#> hisp               0.06         0.03        0.06         0.15         0.00
#> marri              0.19         0.87        0.19        -1.76         0.00
#> re74            2095.57     19428.75     2095.64        -1.26         0.00
#> re75            1532.06     19063.34     1532.08        -1.26         0.00
#> nodeg              0.71         0.09        0.71         1.85         0.00
#> u74                0.60         0.10        0.60         1.46         0.00
#> age0               0.71         0.31        0.71         0.85         0.00
#> age.age          717.39      1323.53      726.97        -0.79        -0.01
#>      111.06       156.32      112.06        -0.64        -0.01
#> re74.re74   28141434.44 557148332.57 25567475.07        -0.62         0.00
#> re75.re75   12654752.23 548213776.79 12138371.63        -0.60         0.00
#>        266.98       414.70      261.76        -0.95         0.03
#> age.educ          21.91         8.56       21.26         0.84         0.04
#> black.educ         8.70         2.60        8.43         1.23         0.05
#> age.hisp           1.36         1.16        1.63         0.03        -0.04
#> black.hisp         0.58         0.35        0.74         0.11        -0.08
#> age.marri          5.56        30.90        6.50        -1.53        -0.06
#> black.marri        1.96        10.47        1.94        -1.57         0.00
#> educ.marri         0.16         0.20        0.12        -0.10         0.09
#> hisp.marri         0.02         0.03        0.01        -0.08         0.01
#> age.re74       54074.04    704912.21    53890.91        -1.07         0.00
#> black.re74     22898.73    248073.37    22654.36        -1.08         0.00
#> educ.re74       1817.20      3646.09     1703.81        -0.24         0.01
#> hisp.re74        151.40       589.15      132.10        -0.12         0.01
#> marri.re74       760.63     17578.61      834.92        -1.15        -0.01
#> age.re75       41167.28    688282.61    38042.18        -1.07         0.01
#> black.re75     15880.57    244584.33    16095.74        -1.09         0.00
#> educ.re75       1257.04      3502.23     1316.30        -0.30        -0.01
#> hisp.re75        153.73       511.72       46.78        -0.10         0.03
#> marri.re75       654.34     17200.24      485.94        -1.13         0.01
#> re74.re75   13118590.79 523653961.37 11715080.77        -0.62         0.00
#> age.nodeg         18.78         3.50       18.54         1.22         0.02
#> black.nodeg        7.26         1.01        7.35         1.60        -0.02
#> educ.nodeg         0.60         0.01        0.59         2.57         0.05
#> hisp.nodeg         0.03         0.00        0.05         0.39        -0.19
#> marri.nodeg        0.11         0.07        0.11         0.15         0.03
#> re75.nodeg       307.44       372.31      286.15        -0.02         0.01
#> age.u74           15.98         3.99       16.38         0.93        -0.03
#> black.u74          6.15         1.15        6.31         1.26        -0.04
#> educ.u74           0.52         0.02        0.52         2.15        -0.01
#> hisp.u74           0.03         0.01        0.02         0.27         0.12
#> marri.u74          0.09         0.09        0.12         0.00        -0.12
#> re74.u74          43.85       483.27      361.33        -0.13        -0.10
#> nodeg.u74          0.59         0.07        0.53         1.74         0.18
#> age.age0          17.97        11.83       18.45         0.33        -0.03
#> black.age0         6.71         2.62        6.64         0.95         0.02
#> educ.age0          0.61         0.13        0.66         1.28        -0.13
#> hisp.age0          0.05         0.01        0.02         0.27         0.23
#> marri.age0         0.14         0.26        0.11        -0.28         0.07
#> re74.age0       1094.15      4511.11     1198.46        -0.40        -0.01
#> re75.age0       1134.96      4272.56     1013.44        -0.37         0.01
#> nodeg.age0         0.52         0.03        0.51         2.01         0.05
#> u74.age0           0.43         0.04        0.43         1.58         0.00
#>     Estimate Std. Error  t value    Pr(>|t|) CI Lower CI Upper   DF
#> nsw 2081.452   725.9504 2.867209 0.004174207 657.9566 3504.947 2617

We can check the penalties applied to each group and the cavariate balance before and after balancing.

#>       linear      squared      two-way 
#> 0.000000e+00 7.997239e-03 1.000000e+02

Example 2: Black and Owens (2016)

The second example comes from Black and Owens (2016), in which the authors study the effect of promotion prospect to the Supreme Court on the behavior of circuit court judges. Here we focus on whether circuit court judges who are on the shortlist to fill Supreme Court vacancies (“contenders”) ruled in line with the president as the outcome of interest. We load the dataset contenderJudges, which is shipped with hbal.


First, we take a look at the data structure. The outcome variable is presIdeoVote and the treatment variable is treatFinal0, indicating whether there was a Supreme Court vacancy at the time. There are also 7 covariates on judge and court characteristics and a variable judge that indicates the judges’ names.

#> 'data.frame':    10171 obs. of  10 variables:
#>  $ presIdeoVote: int  0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 ...
#>  $ treatFinal0 : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ judgeJCS    : num  0.28 0.581 0.199 0.406 -0.341 ...
#>  $ presDist    : num  0.0019 0.0552 0.3137 0.2302 0.9772 ...
#>  $ panelDistJCS: num  0.0392 0.562 0.2485 0.4625 0.491 ...
#>  $ circmed     : num  0.0315 0.581 0.0375 0.013 0.047 ...
#>  $ sctmed      : num  0.227 0.122 -0.359 0.122 0.122 ...
#>  $ coarevtc    : int  0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 ...
#>  $ casepub     : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ judge       : Factor w/ 68 levels "Alfred T. Goodwin",..: 34 31 9 4 3 59 67 52 16 34 ...

We can estimate the effect of Supreme Court vacancy on judges’ rulings while controlling for functions of the covariates (to the second order). We see that contender judges are more likely to rule in line with the ideology of the sitting president during a Supreme Court vacancy.

xvars <- c("judgeJCS", "presDist", "panelDistJCS", "circmed", "sctmed", "coarevtc", "casepub")
out <- hbal(Treat = 'treatFinal0', X = xvars, Y = 'presIdeoVote', data = contenderJudges,
   = 2, cv = TRUE)
#> Crossvalidation...
#> Call:
#>  hbal(data = contenderJudges, Treat = "treatFinal0", X = xvars, 
#>     Y = "presIdeoVote", = 2, cv = TRUE)
#>  Treated Controls 
#>     4490     5681 
#>  Co/Tr Ratio = 1.27 
#>  Groups
#>         #Terms Penalty
#> linear       7     0.0
#> squared      5     0.3
#> two-way     21     0.0
#>  Balance Table
#>             Tr.Mean Co.Mean W.Co.Mean Std.Diff.(O) Std.Diff.(W)
#> judge          0.16    0.07      0.16         0.28         0.00
#> presD          0.17    0.45      0.17        -0.91         0.00
#> panel          0.34    0.29      0.34         0.23         0.00
#> circm          0.14    0.00      0.14         0.50         0.00
#> sctme          0.01    0.03      0.01        -0.07         0.00
#> coare          0.28    0.31      0.28        -0.07         0.00
#> casep          0.61    0.84      0.61        -0.53         0.00
#> judge.judge    0.13    0.12      0.14         0.10        -0.09
#> presD.presD    0.06    0.31      0.07        -0.84        -0.02
#> panel.panel    0.18    0.14      0.18         0.18        -0.03
#> circm.circm    0.08    0.08      0.09         0.01        -0.09
#> sctme.sctme    0.04    0.02      0.03         0.40         0.17
#> judge.presD    0.02    0.02      0.02         0.02        -0.03
#> judge.panel    0.05    0.03      0.05         0.15         0.00
#> presD.panel    0.04    0.13      0.05        -0.59        -0.02
#> judge.circm    0.05    0.05      0.05         0.02        -0.02
#> presD.circm    0.01    0.00      0.01         0.08         0.00
#> panel.circm    0.05    0.01      0.05         0.37         0.00
#> judge.sctme   -0.02    0.01     -0.02        -0.54        -0.07
#> presD.sctme   -0.01    0.02     -0.01        -0.41         0.00
#> panel.sctme    0.01    0.01      0.01         0.00        -0.03
#> circm.sctme    0.01    0.01      0.01        -0.08        -0.01
#> judge.coare    0.05    0.02      0.05         0.13         0.00
#> presD.coare    0.05    0.14      0.05        -0.39         0.00
#> panel.coare    0.10    0.09      0.10         0.04        -0.01
#> circm.coare    0.03    0.00      0.03         0.21         0.00
#> sctme.coare    0.01    0.01      0.01        -0.02         0.01
#> judge.casep    0.10    0.04      0.09         0.23         0.06
#> presD.casep    0.12    0.37      0.12        -0.83        -0.02
#> panel.casep    0.21    0.24      0.21        -0.09         0.03
#> circm.casep    0.05   -0.02      0.05         0.30         0.00
#> sctme.casep    0.00    0.01      0.00        -0.09         0.03
#> coare.casep    0.22    0.30      0.23        -0.16        -0.01
#>               Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)   CI Lower   CI Upper
#> treatFinal0 0.04317827 0.01256806 3.435556 0.0005937101 0.01854238 0.06781416
#>                DF
#> treatFinal0 10136

We can further check covariate balance before and after balancing by checking the balance plots. Here we see that the linear terms are exactly balanced between the treatment and the control groups. Imbalance among higher-order terms and interactions are also significantly reduced.



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